School/Scout Program Evaluation
Your responses provide valuable feedback to help us continue to grow and improve the programs we offer.
School, Scout, and Youth Program Evaluation
Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback on the CNC programs you attended.
Which type of program did you attend?
Which program did you attend?
If you do not see your program listed, please write it in under "other".
Have you attended this program before?
Which date did you attend?
Which grade level are your students in?
If students are from mixed grades, enter that in the "other" category.
*Which CNC staff member led the program?
*Which CNC staff member led the program?
Include a second staff member's name if two people worked with your group.

Please provide your feedback on the following statements:
Registration was convenient.
Who scheduled this program?
Information received prior to the field trip was helpful.
Program activities were developmentally appropriate for my students.
Students gained new knowledge or experiences during the program.
CNC staff were knowledgeable about the topic.
CNC staff were enthusiastic.
What did you or your students most enjoy or value about the program?
What could CNC do to improve or enhance your experience?
Please share any additional comments.